Wednesday, January 24 , 2024 INTRODUCING 1 CORINTHIANS, CHAPTER 9 (NLT) First Corinthians, chapter 8 ended with Paul's declaration that he would give up his right to eat any meat rather than cause a brother in Christ to stumble. He shows in this chapter that he is already giving up his right as an apostle to be financially supported by those he serves. He doesn't want anything to get in the way of anyone believing the gospel. He limits his freedoms further by becoming all things to all people to win some for Christ. He disciplines himself like an athlete in training, to get a prize and to avoid being disqualified. ( ) Paul's Rights as an Apostle, Verses 1-18 , Mrs. Elnora 1 Am I not as free as anyone else? Am I not an apostle? Haven’t I seen Jesus our Lord with my own eyes? Isn’t it because of my work that you belong to the Lord? 2 Even if ot...