Friday, July 26 , 2024 INTRODUCING 1 CORINTHIANS, CHAPTER 12 (NLT) After tackling the issues of head coverings for women and the Lord's Supper in the previous chapter, Paul moves to the issue of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians, chapter 12 . Paul insists that the display of spiritual gifts does not make one believer more spiritual or important than another. Every believer in Jesus has the Spirit, and the Spirit gives to every believer one or more spiritual gifts. The gifts are given for the common good, and the church is like a human body. Each gifted function in the church represents a body part, and all the parts are essential. ( ) 1. Concerning Spiritual Gifts, Verses 1-11 , Jeannie Now, dear brothers and sisters, [ a ] regarding your question about the special abilities the Spirit gives us. I don’t want you to misunderstan...