Wednesday, December 14, 2023 INTRODUCING 1 CORINTHIANS, CHAPTER 5 In chapter 5 Paul continues to confront the Church at Corinth. In chapter 4 he was stern with them regarding their arrogance and pride. The Believers in Corinth were behaving as if they were unaccountable as if they would not be confronted for their behavior. In Chapter 5 Paul chastises the church for their inaction in response to a member of the body who is openly committing incest. Paul commands them to remove the man from their community by turning him over to satan for the destruction of his flesh , in hopes that his spirit would be saved. He told them that they shouldn't even share a meal with anyone who continues to engage in unrepentant sin despite teaching and chastisement. In this chapter, Paul distinguishes between the judgment of believers with that of non-believers. (https:// Dealing With a Case of Incest, Part 1, Verses 1...